
Strip-it is a (web) software that permits to dynamically generate a (web) gallery for (web) comic-strips draw in SVG (web, thus).


Strips are ordered chronologically, with images in the PNG format. Metadata are automatically extracted from a source file in SVG (author, title, license, ...). Adding a new image is as simple as upload it with a FTP client.

The gallery is reachable through a web page or a RSS feed.

A thumbnail gallery view, the possibility of creating your own design and traductions and a caching system complete the whole thing.


Strip-It has been coded for publishing the Geekscottes, some small strips in french, trying to transcribe the demanding humor of free softwares enthusiasts.


Strip-It is programmed in PHP, uses the Flexy template system (from PEAR) and no database.

The software is distributed under the terms of the GPL

For more informations, see the project page on sourceforge.